
I am a bad blogger

I never seem to find time to blog but I'm sneaking in a few mins now.
What's new? not much I guess just time passing quickly, see my baby's updated pics above in the header. She's over 1 yr old now and I honestly can't believe how fast the year went. Now, the debate (in my mind) is whether to have a 2nd. I swear last week I was resigned to having just one and really felt great about it. Now I'm not so sure...I change my mind from day to day.
One thing is certain, I need to lose some (ok, a lot) of weight regardless of possibly getting pregnant again.

1 comment:

  1. It ain't easy Honey, being a mom, full-time job, wife, cleaner, organizer, etc. etc. etc.
    Whenever I've had it this tough as far as decisions, I've prayed...A LOT. I've had those car conversations with God. I know it sounds crazy, but it helped me. :o)
    Good luck making your decision. Love ya
